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Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension ~ Activating and Applying the Technologies of 5D Consciousness to 3D Reality

Why Consciousness Mechanics and why now?

And what the heck is Consciousness Mechanics anyway?

As we are moving into ever higher frequency timeline shifts because of the process of Planetary Ascension, the entire planet, the entire human family and our entire bodies are re-organizing old structures and ways of being and upgrading into new paradigms of thought, feeling, belief and BEING.

This is a lot to process!
Now, more than ever, we need community and solidarity, empathy and understanding for ourselves and for the entire planet.
We need to come together in compassion and with an enlivened sense of wonder about what is next for the human collective.

This begins with an understanding of what Ascension IS and what it MEANS for us to engage with the full potential of what's possible for us going forward.

It includes being able to apply new tools and practices to our every day lives so that we can gracefully and effectively bridge the gap between 3D and 5D consciousness.

As a 5D Visionary and Elevated Consciousness Engineer, that is exactly why I created Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension ~ Activating and Applying the Technologies of 5D Consciousness to our 3D Reality Now, book and group program.

I created this book as a primer and the program as a unique experience that would help to catapult people's spiritual growth forward.


How would you like to have a deeper understanding of the planetary ascension process and how it can help YOU?

How would you like to use the vortex of your specific energy field for faster self-healing and accelerated manifesting by learning to hold a higher frequency vibration in your body chamber?

How would you like to learn how to use tools and technologies introduced by different collectives of higher frequency stellar perspectives-- Sirian, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyran and the Hathor Collective to work with higher light quotients of energy in very TANGIBLE ways?

Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension is not a method or a modality.

It is an EXPERIENCE of bringing 5D awareness into 3D reality now.

Working with the higher vibration of 5D in a very hands-on way allows you to have the vantage point of a variety of perspectives because you are standing in your power on a multidimensional, superconscious level.

You see yourself as a Creator and Shaper of All parts of your reality, able to direct your intentions and desires at will because you no longer see yourself as an individual through the filter of ego, but rather as one expression of Source, acting responsibly as a frequency holder of ALL.

This very dynamic 8 module program is not going to be like any other course you've taken. I can promise you that!

Through the 8 modules of this self-study program you will:

~ move progressively through deeper layers of lower etheric energies-- ultimately leading to the releasing of deeply stored etheric patterns within your mental planes, emotional body and physical-etheric body.
~ experience deep emotional patterning release
~ experience mass Ascension Symptom clearing
~ realign to and integrate with your highest expression of self

7 Modules

Module 1 ~ Consciousness Mechanics EBook and The Pranic Breath

This practice of pranic breathing (using your prana, chi, life-force energy, breath) allows you to connect deeply with the power-center of Mother Earth so that you may anchor into her protective energy and allow more feelings of peace and security to flow to you during those times when you feel uprooted or out of control.

Module 2 ~ 7 Points of Light Connection

This is an exercise in Connection and Support.

In order to anchor in elevated consciousness and to use this energy freely in the body without resistance is to create a highly supported connection to All That Is.

The 7 Points of Light Connection allows you to be grounded in your body, grounded into the heart/ core of the Earth, fully awaken all the psychic centers of the 3rd, 4th and 5th eyes to receive information through the filter of the Highest Self, open up to your highest expression of self through the Throat chakra, access the receptor center of the seat of ascended consciousness- the Heart chakra, enliven your creative impulses in the Sacral chakra and fully activate and upgrade the energy of the foot chakras.

Module 3 ~ Opening the Universal Eye

The opening and activating of the 4th Eye is a natural part of your awakening process at this time.

Being in the dense energy of 3D- largely a survival-mode consciousness- we have made self-negating personal choices, opted into thinking lower frequency thoughts and feeling low vibration feelings. We have also limited ourselves to rigid belief systems on an individual and a collective level.

This limited way of being has blocked the receptivity of this psychic center.

Much like poor nutrition or fluoride or caffeine has blocked the receptivity of the pineal gland and 3rd Eye, the lower thought and belief forms of 3D have kept us asleep in the dream of illusion and our human conditioning as such has blocked our ability to awaken the 4th Eye.

Until now.

Module 4 ~ Opening the Gateway to the Solar Spine

In the class module, I will help you awaken and activate the Gateway to the Solar Spine.

Then, you will be able to “run” energy though the psychic centers of the brain and into the crystalline, solar spine.

These psychic centers are linked to the physical and spiritual eyes through autonomic nerves located in the cervical ganglion- the nerve network in the hollow part of the nape of the neck on both sides of the physical spinal column.

The more you practice cycling through this energy, the more you access liquid light information that upgrades the frequency of your central nervous system. This allows the nervous system of your physical being to respond to intense ascension energies with more comfort and without going into stress or crisis.

Module 5 ~ Ascension Code Seeding

You don't have to suffer through Ascension Symptoms IF YOU DON'T WANT TO!

One of the most amazing new technologies available right now for assisting our individual and collective Ascension process is Ascension Code Seeding.

By working directly with our connection to Pure Source via the 7 Points of Light Connection, we are able to consciously "seed" the human body and all of its energy points, organs, tissues, systems and cells with anti-viral, neutralizing energy.

Module 6 ~ Timeline Jump Manifestation Method

The Time Jump Manifestation Method allows you to understand your multi-dimensional nature and power as the creator of your reality.

This is a unique method of manifesting taught to me by a collective of different interplanetary beings of higher consciousness, including a group known as the Hathors.

This method of manifesting is done through bending time and jumping timelines between your present and future self in order to powerfully create your “new normal” of reality and to attract whatever it is that you would like to be, do, or have.

Module 7 ~ Kinkazzi and Sonic Geometry

Kinkazzi translates as the joy of fully embodying the Truth of your sovereign power and stepping into your divine infinite human potential in this lifetime.

This is where you discard the illusion of feeling separate from Source, fully inhabit limitless being and access infinite zero-points of consciousness (the Now moment of your I AM presence) that inform your perspective in a multitude of experiences or multidimensional aspects of Self simultaneously.

Modules for this program 7
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