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Leading Edge Creator

Magnetizing new realities is sacred and potent ALCHEMY.

And your vibration is EVERYTHING. It sets up the Core Paradigm of you.

The Paradigm of you is the composite of all of your ideas, beliefs, assumptions, attitudes and behaviors and is the filter for how you see yourself and your entire reality.

It is the foundation and the fuel behind everything you have created, are creating now and will ever create going forward.

Here's the kicker.... change your Paradigm, change your LIFE and all the circumstances and conditions that you want to experience will shift along with that.

This is what it means to 𝙗𝙚 𝙖 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙀𝙙𝙜𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧.

I don't teach manifestation. I teach MAGNETIZATION, and with a deeper connection with the knowledge of HOW Universal Spiritual Laws fit together so you can work in harmony with the movement of the Universe to design and build your preferred reality.


In Leading Edge Creator...

~ You'll learn about the benevolent presiding force that translates your intentions into your creations, the Magneto-Electric Universe.

~ You'll learn a powerful clearing technique of focusing your Breath in order to clear a lifetime's worth of false imprints that you've used to hide your infinite power, wisdom and creativity from yourself.

~ You'll stop creating what is called a 'Negative Vision' which drives the false desires of your would-be creations more than you'd like to think.

~ You'll know how to work with the guiding principles of the Universe, Spiritual Laws, so you can make up and design a reality that you prefer to experience and with the least amount of resistance possible.

~ You'll be introduced to the energetic structures that influence your thoughtforms and that of the collective consciousness in ways you may have never known about and learn how to stop funding their energy of 'collective resistance.'

~ You'll learn how to take all this wisdom and powerfully and purposefully create with highly focused intention and use your own ancient yet sophisticated inner broadcasting mechanism that helps you locate and draw in your material manifestations in 3D reality, your Reticular Activating System.

You are here, at this time, to align with a new paradigm of creating your reality.

The clients I get to work with understand something so simple yet so profound....

~ You will never achieve things in life beyond what YOU BELIEVE you can.

~ You will never be able to go beyond your previous Core Paradigm or Self Concept and the sum of its parts.

In other words, the image you have of yourself, being the composite of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, opinions, ideas and assumptions you have about yourself and what you believe is possible in life will be your self-imposed ceiling of limitation.

You have been constantly living as a version of yourself you are programmed to believe you are - in direct opposition to your true self. Your True Self is capable, lovable, worthy, creative and resourceful, and also limitless and eternal!

There's nothing in the way of what you truly want EXCEPT YOU.

There will never be a greater resource OUTSIDE of you that can elevate you past the experience you are having and deliver you into the results you want.

It isn't chance, luck, hustling, coincidence or any other outer cause that shifts your reality to experience greater levels of prosperity and abundance.

You are the RESOURCE of everything you need.

YOU are the catalyst of paradigm-shifting transformation.

YOU are the impact you're desiring to make on the world. 

And the world needs you to pull back your power from the places you hid it from yourself-- in your stories of pain and struggle, in your false assumptions about your unlovability or unworthiness, and in all the moments you bought into the lies you were told about reality from people, society and systems that were built to keep you small.

You are Everything that is NOT THAT.

You are perfect and beautiful and an expression of The ONE Consciousness that is infinite, eternal love and you always will be. 

You just don't believe it yet.


Here's what members have to say about this program....

"I’ve studied with others and Leading Edge Creator goes beyond what some big names in the field teach. Join us! It’s so good!"~ Miraiya

"This one is the BEST of all of your amazing offerings!"
~ Patricia Z.

"My work with you is the only teaching that has given me real results and the knowing that I will continue to grow and anyone still wondering if it’s worth it, I’ve had a profound paradigm shift in Leading Edge." ~ Carol

"I released lots of energy that has been inside me for more than 3 decades and the feeling of my financial freedom is every time deeper and solid inside me......I am so grateful for this space, for your teachings, for everyone here, for the support and the beautiful energy that surrounds us. I have a deep gratitude and appreciation for my life that I never experienced before." ~ Angelica

"...then in June magic started to happen and I started to resonate with Kathryn Mussell's posts and took her tuning class, which was profound for me. And I have felt that Kathryn is the best of all my coaches, but also maybe they all got me upleveled to resonate with her teachings.....when LEC came along, I knew that Kathryn was key, she was the coach and this was the course to get me to finally having these teachings sink in and get me connecting with my vortex and living my dream life here in 3D!!" ~ Pandora

"OMG, Kathryn, this talk today was just the medicine I needed, with the pyramid diagram serving as the illuminating triage. In fact, that’s what I might call it: magnetizing triage." ~ Barbara

12 Modules

Leading Edge Creator Onboarding Call and Week 1 ~ The Magneto-Electric Universe

This week, we begin with our Onboarding Call and an introduction to the Magneto-Electric Universe in order to lay the foundation for building and designing your reality in energetic alignment with the natural forces of the Universe.

Please watch the Onboarding call before the Week 1 video and prior to our first live call on 1/4/24.

LEC Week 2 ~ Revealing the Super Self Part 1

This week's process takes us through Part 1 of Rapid Fire Decluttering of Anger. Watch the Transmuting Frozen Emotions video first in Lesson 1 of this Module.

LEC Week 3 ~ Revealing the Super Self Part 2

This week, you are given a process that is self-led to help you experience more of who you truly are as a Divine Creator of your experience.

LEC Week 4 ~ Embodying Transpersonal Awareness

We begin to shift past just the idea of accessing the awareness that we are one with everything and start embodying this truth.

LEC Week 5 ~ The Self Image, Subconscious and The RAS

In Week 5, we discuss the Self-Image, the Subconscious and the RAS (Reticular Activating System) and how together they create the VIBRATION you hold that is magnetizing your reality. All three of these things are very flexible and malleable. They can be re-programmed to work on a different paradigm of self and magnetize to you a more fulfilling and beneficial reality that will change your life forever.

LEC Week 6 ~ Unifying Intentions with Universal Laws

Universal Spiritual Laws are the building blocks of what we call reality. Think of them as the scaffolding that allows us to have a tangible experience with our world. Take your time watching and/or revisiting this in-depth explanation of Spiritual Laws from Version 1 of LEC.

LEC Week 7 ~ Live Intuitively and Spiritual Laws Work Naturally

This week, we explore the natural and practical application of Universal Spiritual Laws as we live more intuitively.

LEC Week 8 ~ The Pivot From I to We

This week we align with the next iteration of experiencing the Wave.

LEC Week 9 ~ Stilling the Wave

Emotional Mastery is not about trying to bypass our emotions but about riding above the waves of their tumultuous nature where we react instead of respond to life.

Life becomes more seamless, and we magnetize more of what we want when we are not constantly at war with our shadow. This is what it means to live in a state of grace of spiritual maturity. And it can't happen without emotional mastery.

LEC Week 10 ~ Orientation to the Feminine Essence

Where do we begin with our energy every single time when we want to create some new experience? With the masculine expression of DOING and taking action without first orienting to a solid foundation, ignoring the Feminine place-holding energy of BEING.

Where we've learned to cast our energy, attention and focus has dislocated and disoriented ourselves from creating new realities in the highest frequency capacity possible. Time to change that...

LEC Week 11 ~ Pendulums and the Collective Energy of Doubt

Discussion of the energetic structures that are used to reinforce duality in 3D reality and how they are used to influence you individually and collectively. Details given on how to pull your energy back from their influence.

In our Week 11 call, we will go into one of the most powerful emotional states that belong to the collective, not to you individually-- Doubt.

LEC Week 12 ~ Authenticity, Emanation, Simplicity

Our final wrap-up. Your happiness is the emanation of simplicity through your own authenticity.

Modules for this program 12
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 Leading Edge Creator Level 1 ~ 12 Week Program
 $797.00 USD

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