Unity School Private Community is now open!! Yearly or month-to-month membership to learn Manifesting through the Unity Consciousness Thought and Action Paradigm. Learn More: Unity School

Welcome and Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hello! I'm Kathryn and I am a Mentor in service of fellow Visionary Entrepreneurs and Genius Creators.

I serve the men and women who have been holding themselves back from sharing their authentic genius with the world.

If you are someone who feels called up by a mission to leave the world a better place than you found it, I help you see this journey isn't top-down or outside-in. It's a reclaiming of your inner radiance and hidden treasures from deep down in your DNA.

Unity School Community is NOW OPEN!

Manifesting Reality through the Paradigm of Unity Consciousness.

Your tired old manifesting practice meets the Holographic Model of the Universe and changes your life forever.

Unity School is a thinktank, alchemy incubator and advanced spiritual learning support network for visionaries, truth-tellers and sacred rebels to embrace and refine the inclusive Unity Consciousness Paradigm and practical model of Thought and Action where you embody the concept that we are all ONE.

The Unity Consciousness Paradigm and Practical Model of Thought and Action simplifies your life, eliminates confusion about why you struggle with limitation and teaches you how to free yourself from it.

This is Radical Thinking. This IS New Earth. This is your invitation to liberate your mind, unleash your creativity, greet perceived challenges as gifts and welcome abundant expansion as your new normal.

Click the button below to go to Unity School to sign up.

$149 a month gets you access to our 4 live coaching calls every month, bonuses and gifts that unlock the more you engage in the community, AND you get access to ALL of my current self-led online programs here in my Member Vault Academy.

Available Programs

Genius Fractal Program

Whatever is not working or keeping you stuck is begging for a deeper look.

Your life deserves your full attention.

Your life’s work deserves your full attention.

Any shadow that is holding back your greatest gifts is just another form of your brilliant genius and your power, waiting to be optimized and transmuted from a lower creational force to a higher one.

It is the dark mirror in the double helix of your own DNA.

Code that is written as the human experience of duality.

Contrast that needs to be re-written to reflect its higher counterpart and ideal so that you can realize your higher counterpart and Ideal Self.

​From this version of you, your vision and deeds aren’t bound to the hard-driving, never-enoughness of your ego.

​If you are here as a Sacred Agitator, Visionary, Forward-Thinker, or New Earth Ambassador and you know your deeper WHY behind doing what you do, I know this about you...

When the majority of people are headed in one direction, you are keenly aware that you would rather break off and head the other way, YOUR own way, even when ‘good sense’ would dictate not to.

This is the condition of the Visionary, Maverick Creator, Luminary, Mystic, Sacred Rebel, Innovator and Paradigm Disruptor.

​You require a depth of inner Core Stability and inner resolve in order to hold your light and Genius Gifts unwaveringly in a world that would like to stay stuck in the old paradigms running on fear and shadow.

​And you may also be suffering under this illusion. I know I was...

​You think because you’re an outlier, you feel like you’re a misfit and you have to go it alone, remain misunderstood and unsupported in your quest to make the world a better place than you found it.

Nope. You absolutely fit in...

...with other women who question everything, accept nothing at face value, have zero fucks for the normal, the conventional, the acceptable, and hold a palpable resonance with a better vision for the evolution of humanity.


Many of you reading this are at a natural point of transition and a place of pivoting.
And you KNOW it.
You've known it for a while now.

You're wondering... "How do I cut through all of the noise of this marketplace and find a pathway that suits me, a mentor or guide who suits me, and the most efficient way to unlock my innate gifts and my inherent Genius and Dynamic Nature in a short amount of time?"

That's what Genius Fractal is designed to do.

It's all in you. All the Brilliance and Dynamism you're 'waiting' to experience.
I just create the right space and no-fluff, no bullshit guidance for you to allow, accept and embrace your own unfolding self-illumination in these potent 4 weeks.


Your genius is a form of Sacred Rebellion, a liberation from the illusion of security and safety of mediocrity. You are here at this time to radiate your true magnetism and exquisiteness.

Mediocrity-- compromising your true nature as a Fractal of Genius in the cosmic hologram of quantum consciousness blocks the blossoming of Consciousness knowing itself through the Gift of You in your FULFILLMENT.

The endless florescence and bounteousness of ALL LIFE depends upon your contribution to it.

Compromising your true nature serves the societal status quo and inhibits you from being the hero of your own breakout story.

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐄, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝.

Any ways in which you are compromising your true nature only serves the societal status quo and inhibits you from being the hero of your own breakout story. This must be unlearned, unwound and disentangled from your story.


Here's why you want to join Genius Fractal now for our next round starting on Tuesday, September 24th....

~ Because doubting your greatness and hiding your genius from the world innovates and contributes absolutely nothing to the people who need your help NOW.

~ Because Fear is a lens that keeps your energy faithful to an unwanted future for you and your life's work.

~ Because you LOVE what you do, it feels NATURAL TO WHO YOU ARE. It feels like a mission and up until now, you've been treating it as a job instead of a SOUL CALLING.

​~ Because you must make a strong foundation out of your Genius Authenticity so you can stimulate and innovate the growth you want to nudge forward into the world without leaking your energy to scarcity, fear of change, fear of judgment and doubt of your own gifts, talents and New Earth leadership.

~ Because you get access to all future teachings of Genius Fractal and access to a full month in Unity School private membership community and chat forum. This means you get an additional four coaching calls that will enhance and magnify the energetic shifts you will experience in Genius Fractal program. This is an incredible added value!

Four-week exploration and transmutation of your Gene Keys Activation Sequence of your Shadow Frequency into your Genius Frequency. Your enrollment includes access to one month of Unity School Private Community Chat (unless you are already a member) and access to all future teachings.


Over the last three years I have whittled down to bare bones so much of what I think, what I believe and what I do, personally and professionally, so that I can TRULY FEEL my wholeness and the fullness of life.

I call it Economy of Being.
It is the ability to align your thoughts and actions with your inspired intuitive nature so you can live life within a 'Less is More' perspective of simple elegance where it is easier to surrender to Spirit's plan for your life while no longer being distracted by what is NOT THAT.

If you want to do that, the quickest and most efficient way to distill life to its essence and the meaning it holds for you is to think about what you would do if you had a week left to live-- or even a day left to live.

Pretty quickly the fog will clear, the clouds will part, and you have the crispest clarity around what and who you actually care about and what speaks to you through your soul.

You realize that the subsets of human existence that you like to compartmentalize and view as separate-- relationships, money, health, career and everything else all blur and blend into one and you realize these are just the sum parts of the overall relationship you are having WITH YOURSELF.

You realize how you do one thing is how you do everything.

Because you finally realize YOU ARE EVERYTHING-- that life perceived as outside of you is a powerful reflection of your inner state.

You realize the convoluted minutiae of everyday reality collapses into one big sphere of awareness that brings your previously limited consciousness into stark contrast with the largesse and bounty of the infinite and then.... THEN and ONLY THEN can you finally see how small and safe and clever you tried to be with life up until this point.

Once you cross the threshold of zeroing out your old misperceptions of yourself, you finally see how many times you tried to barter with, outwit, or even tried to outsmart a force so great and powerful that it has the ability to fill your body with breath and life one moment and decide not to return it to you in the next moment.

How many times have you tried to understand or even manipulate an intelligence so boundless and vast, only to recognize you have no choice but to surrender to it?

How many times have you thought, "I have all the time in the world!"

How many times have you pretended that death isn't coming for you-- that it is a foregone conclusion that one day you will cease to be?

And the world will just keep going, without you in it, without any trace of what you DIDN'T GET TO DO, but only the leavings of what marks YOU DID MAKE.

And with this focused lens of perception, I ask you to look at the strange, imperfect, messy and painful beauty of life.

NOTHING right now is AS IT WAS. It won't return.
There is only the way forward.

We are at a Death Portal, dear one.

That is certain. And you can interpret that however you want.

As the end, or as a new and fresh beginning.

This time of Death/Rebirth is a harbinger, a herald.

This energy isn't just allowing you to pull back the curtains on what's really going on with your self-generated cycle of looping through what you think you believe you know about the experience of Life.

It's amplifying how much it no longer serves your expansion.

Some are running FROM the ugliness and the collapse of everything as they knew it.

I am running right into the fire, rifling through the ashes and building something entirely new from what stays in the aftermath.

And those who are drawn to my work are boldly doing the same, questioning EVERYTHING and curiously asking, "What next? What do I prefer NOW?"

But if I'm honest, I'm not here for anything less than full disclosure of MYSELF-- seeing where I hold myself back from Life, from my passion, my purpose, my genius and my sacred mission to serve LIFE's boundless expansion, releasing that energy and repurposing it into something bright, simple, elegant and perfectly suited to my singular taste.

Half-measures and empty symbolic gestures never suited me well.
There are some of you who are here for this reordering of consciousness as well.

You wouldn't have read this far if it wasn't you.


Align your inner and outer world so that your preferred experience of life with optimum health and vitality, enriched money and wealth, and robust connections and relationships reflects your naturalness of being and infinitely abundant nature.

A journey of release and renewal through the activating energy of Breath and Presence to come to life in a new way-- free of old attachments and old feeling-thoughts so you can have a sensual, emotional, conscious connection with your inner world, free of the restraints of the history that keeps trying to create your future.

You are so far beyond what the mind is capable of helping you with to move forward now.

Change is in the sensations of your body, in your tissues and in your cells.

They hold a sacred sequence to unlock the next phase and timeline of your expansion, but you MUST feel this change as it moves through and out and transmutes from a lower frequency and into higher creative expression.

This is the 'landing gear' that allows you to keep and relax into collapsing time between events without your previous mental constraints and without hitting the edges of your nervous system's boundaries, trying to keep you safe.

It is a physical phase shift just as much as a spiritual one to shift your consciousness and stay awake with joy and anticipation of more of the preferred experiences of life that are calling you now.

How you support yourself through your awakening process is more important now than ever.

Your intentions for expansion deserve your direct focus and faith in order to hold the emotional alchemy needed for a new start with fresh, free flowing energy to seed a grounded future of prosperity in all areas of your life.

This six-week program contains three powerful and paradigm-shifting breakout sessions and three consciousness altering discussions: Health/Vitality, Money/Wealth, Connection/Relationships.

PLEASE NOTE: These are going to erode and dismantle your current mental concept of self.
If you could get to where you want to go with your current self-image, built on a past imagination of self that is bound to emotions you don't want to feel, then you would be experiencing whatever is your most preferred reality now.

If you are interested in this journey of sacred release and renewal, be willing to question and surrender everything you think you believe you know.
(𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦!)

Your enrollment includes access to all future teachings and two months access to our private community chat in Unity School. (Unless you're already a member.)
All calls will be recorded and posted here for your reference in the Member Vault.


Re-Emergence. 4 Day Multidimensional Transformation.

Look at your transformation as a re-identification and a restructuring of your reality that supports who you already are, in your truth, in your fullness.

Look at GROWTH beyond just a launchpad that skyrockets you to your most fervent desire and prepares you for a sprint to the next waypoint you dream about.

You're here for the marathon, the long game.

Why the RUSH to be authentically YOU if you are already THAT and she is ALREADY HERE?

Why the PUSH to do MORE, be MORE, have MORE when it is all already inside you?

Your sense of urgency for all of the above is not coming from your higher self.

It's coming from ego and a part of you that needs to be safe and protected.

You still believe that you're OVER HERE and what you want is OVER THERE. The sense of wanting is keeping you directly at odds with HAVING and BEING.

You still believe that outward accumulation of things will finally make you feel secure, safe, protected.

What, and more importantly, WHO are you protecting?


If you want to grow spiritually, feel at peace with yourself and be open to the fullness of a life that brings you joy and abundance, you must open your heart and let go of THE OLD YOU.

You keep trying to change outward circumstances in order to reflect back to you that you are worthy, safe, loved, abundant and ultimately, at peace with yourself and the world around you.

There's a better way to re-organize your reality so you feel more supported, abundant, present, grounded, whole and open to the adventure of life and it isn't called a Quantum Leap.

It is a Re-Emergence into LIFE that transcends the rigid borders of your self-imposed limitations.

It's a re-entry into the freedom of feeling life as it is meant to be-- open and full of possibility instead of something you're constantly trying to protect yourself against.

Life isn't a threat or something to vigilantly 'get through' unscathed.

You're here to LIVE LIFE as ONE VERSION of you, not from many disjointed and fragmented parts scattered by fear.

From this vantage point, you suffer endlessly from the unrequited desire to feel the fullness of LIFE when you always feel less than WHOLE.

Journey beyond and transcend your outdated version of self.

Re-emerge into a level of reality that you get to redesign and restructure so it is adapted to satisfy the version of you that you finally ACCEPT and give yourself permission to know and feel.

Tuning your Inner Miraculous ~ Somatic Sound Workshop

Tuning your Inner Miraculous.
Recorded session.

~ By the end of this workshop, you will walk away feeling clear about your path forward.

~ You'll shift and dissolve stuck feelings and their uncomfortable sensations taking up valuable energetic real estate inside your body, blocking natural flow.

~ You'll have a comprehensive feeling of congruent, abundant and soothing energy, coursing freely throughout your body.

~ You'll be ready to embrace the opportunities for new levels of abundance that lie ahead with excitement and greater confidence.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your life by unlocking rigidity and tension in the body and calling in greater potentials of prosperity.

$27 with Lifetime Access to the recording of this one-hour amazing journey of self-discovery and growth through boosting your Home Frequency of Abundance.

Living Intuitively + ULTRAMAGNETIC

Maybe you're looking for deeper answers.

Perhaps you want greater clarity about your true nature and purpose.

It could also be that you desire more insight about your relationship to yourself and to Source Energy.

You may want to tap into greater creativity or increase the level of wisdom you derive from your dreams.

It could also be that you want to truly experience the magic and miracles in everyday life.

All of these reasons listed above are just a snapshot of why people want to investigate and reveal more of their own intuitive nature.

But I find that no matter what the reason may be to want to fine-tune their intuitive acuity, there is one very common fear and two pervasive myths.

The FEAR most people have is that when deepening into their inner reality, they're going to see things they don't want to see or know things they don't wish to know.

In other words, they will not be able to handle what they discover.


Firstly, your intuitive sense is your direct experience of reality.

It is what is 'obvious' about the nature of reality, not the mind's or ego's perception of it based on your personal and collective perspectives on reality. That is why intuition is also called 'direct knowing' because it is a direct line of communication from your soul's perspective, which is based in love and higher spiritual truth.

While it is true that when excavating the depths of your inner reality in order to create a pure connection with your intuitive knowing, you will encounter some uncomfortable and sometimes confronting misperceptions about yourself.

However, your higher intuitive self is loving and is only showing you what you are ready to finally see and release in order to unlock the genius gifts that have never been allowed the space to blossom and enhance your experience of life.

Myth #1 ~ You think you have to be born with special gifts and talents.

We are all born intuitive and empathic. As tiny humans we are extremely sensitive and empathic and if anything, we get 'learned out of' this connection with our higher intuitive knowing in favor of using the rational mind to solve all of our problems. Your intuition is in fact your first sense, not the sixth sense as some would believe.

Myth #2 ~ You believe that being intuitive is the same as being psychic.
False again.

While there is great overlap here, let's clear this up.

When increasing your connection with and learning to trust more in your intuitive guidance, you are exercising a natural human ability of 'direct knowing' or direct experience of reality through superconscious perception.

This doesn't mean you're going to pick the winning lottery numbers or start prophesying future world events. (Although hey, some of my clients are mediums and psychics and navigate well through all manner of psychic phenomena BECAUSE they have devoted their lives to living intuitively.)

Living Intuitively and adopting the intuitive way of life is much more about living in presence, maintaining a connection to Pure Source through direct knowing of reality, and being open to a level of awareness that allows you to derive more efficient, more elegant and upscale solutions to life's challenges so you may live in harmony, ease and flow instead of feeling you need to push, force or struggle at life.

This is Living Intuitively.  6 module immersion into decoding the language of the soul. Use your divine presence to create life among the frequencies with joy.


In Day 1:

~ Clearing and Purifying your Third Eye Projection.

~ Removal of energy tags and implants that distort intuitive transmission and reception.

~ Re-coding the two early stages of development that constrict or limit your intuitive awareness to resonate with pure love and light.

In Day 2:

~ We slow down and soften to sync up with our own True North.

~ Learn a simple and elegant tool for activating the Pineal Gland.

~ Flow into the plasmic field and Aether to remotely view and merge with our highest Genius Frequency Timeline.

Come and play and ignite your magic by developing your intuitive mastery!

Tuning the Sonic Anatomy

Tuning Fork Sound Healing Therapy.

Increase your voltage. Recharge the body and mind. 

Bring balance, vitality and wellbeing to these six bodily systems and their photoelectric fields through sound healing-- Immune System, Circulatory System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Skeletal System and Nervous System.

The subtle yet specific resonant frequencies of tuning forks have healing effects on the body because they can act as mirrors, reflecting back to the body where there is discord in the systems, organs, tissues and cells so it can self-correct and align to a coherent electromagnetic frequency of balance and harmony.

Healing and balance can be achieved in the body quickly with sound healing frequencies.

Sound waves travel four times as fast in water than in air. When activating sound healing frequencies on or around the body, (which is almost 70% water) sonic waves interact with the bioelectric field to recharge and awaken energy storage within cells and tissues, restoring vitality to your entire physical body. This happens even when sonic waves are activated remotely.

Your entire human bioelectric field is an energy system constantly in flux, always trying to reorganize itself to a state of coherence and balance. 

In a world that is rapidly and increasingly trying to reorient itself to the paradigm shift into New Earth, it can seem that one moment you feel ordered and calm-- and the next, you can feel uprooted, ungrounded, disconnected and dissociated from the corporeal body.

This isn't natural and it is not organic to your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing to be in this constant stasis of fight, flight or freeze survival response. And your body is paying the price for it!  But, it doesn't have to...

Come join us for this six-day restoration, rejuvenation and full body sonic reset with sound healing frequencies.

~ Release blockages of flow in your bodily systems.

~ Create a better, more loving relationship with your body.

~ Stop the cycle of repetitive distortions and disruptions in your field that are causing stress and tension related health issues that show up in your life like clockwork.

~ Experience a gentle, non-invasive way of hitting the reset button on sluggish or overactive energy in your immune, digestive, circulatory, endocrine, skeletal and nervous systems.

~ Reclaim your ability to sense and appreciate pleasure in the body.

~ Restore calm, peace and greater vitality through your entire being as you energize your body and mind through sound healing frequencies.

*******   *******   *******

Here's what people are saying about these Sound Healing sessions...

"The group sound healing the other day was amazing! I felt like it really helped shift something deep. And yes, I agree with the invitation to opt out! It finally feels like this is the right time to choose higher and better."

"I experienced a lot during the session - I feel a lot going on in my field. The last note put two huge spirals in my field. Love it! ❤"

"Amazing Kathryn! After 20 minutes, I feel more grounded and aware in my body but lighter than air and so peaceful. Thank you!"

"Beautiful session Kathryn. The body unwound itself with these sounds."

"This tuning fork sound healing is soo beautiful Kathryn. I feel lighter through my womb area & heart 🌟 Grateful to receive that. 😊

"I feel like I'm walking on a cloud while being more in my body than I've ever felt. I released energy that I didn't know was blocking me up. Thank You Kathryn!"

Come play! Tune your Sonic Anatomy and feel revitalized!

13 Treasures

DNA Activation, Restructure and Cellular Regenesis.

You are intricately bound to that which you observe.

When your perspective shifts around that which you witness, what you witness changes. This is true of everything.

Especially your genetic codes and energetic signatures in your DNA, when investigated and contemplated from the vantage point of your Higher Self.

It is a dance-- the process of letting go of the hard edges and linear structure of logic and reason and softening into the curves of life, where you yield to the ecstatic surrender to the Truth that there is no completion of anything, only unending spirals, cycles and curves, one flowing into another into infinity.

There is no destination or level of attainment that can satisfy the deepest, densest desires of self-inquiry. The deeper you probe, you find that completion (attainment) is only and ever a sense of a next stage or a new cycle beginning.

There are no answers, no great hidden meaning of LIFE to be discovered, no purpose to fulfill.

This can either riddle you with anxiety and fill you with doubt, or it can liberate you so you are available for All of LIFE to flow through you.

The only meanings in Life that matter are the ones you create and live by.

The more you let go and surrender into this, the more the ecstatic and exotic world of curves, spirals and cycles reveals itself to you, unveiling your True North's winding path that veers and meanders, but is always, ALWAYS MEANT FOR YOU.

This cannot even be attained, only allowed.

Just as the codes of your higher genetic destiny can only be allowed, contemplated and observed. And as that process unfolds with an open heart, sense of innocence and wonder, those codes ACTIVATE and EXPRESS themselves without restraint, becoming mirrored in your external world and deepen you into the mystery of your own unfolding and unveiling of your Sacred Human Blueprint.

13 Treasures creates a vortex of energy that draws in the photonic light codes and wisdom of the higher dimensions and timelines of your Christos, Homo Sanctus Blueprint, your human legacy of light. These 'instruction sets' become activated by our attention and observation of these 13 Treasures as we explore and visit with each one:

~ Womb and the Tomb

~ The Cauldron and the Promethean Flame

~ True North Keycode

~ Time Tantrika

~ Portal of Tara (Pre-History Earth Records)

~ Genius Fractal (Diversity IS Oneness)

~ House of the Immortal Spirit

~ Quintessence

~ Superabundance

~ Syntropy, Synergy, Synthesis

~ Homo Sanctus (Sacred Human) Fractal

~ Liberation

~ Regenesis

Through the DNA codes you hold, you are a holographic microcosm and reflection of the macrocosm of the entire cosmological order. A return to Spiritual Order within and without.

This 7-week journey takes us through an exploration, activation, restructuring and REGENESIS of your DNA by unwinding shadow veils and discord, transfiguring it to restore light and accord through a method that can be best described as Sacred DNA Activation meets the Gene Keys meets Physical Body Ascension.

The pleasure, play, joy, passion and purpose you want to feel cannot be attained, only allowed and permitted to radiate from, by, through and AS YOU.

This journey will illuminate all of that and more which has been shrouded by the fixed beliefs, assumptions and uncertainty paradoxes presented by your felt sense of duality.

What is offered in 13 Treasures are not answers, (because life is not a mystery to be solved) but rather a multidimensional perspective and higher frequency lens through which you observe the shadows, changes and challenges of life as the darkness that incubates all emergence of light.

Women Walking the Phoenix Path

Women Walking the Phoenix Path.

How do you know you are on this path?

You are ready to demand the best for yourself now.

No more waiting, making excuses, putting LIFE on hold.

You've risen up, past and through many situations where you have put your life, your passion, your vision and your dreams on hold.

Many of life's previous situations or structures of being that you've allowed to define or confine you have now broken down-- careers changed or abandoned, children raised, marriages and family relationships collapsed and/or dissolved, and previous beliefs about yourself and reality no longer hold up as truth.

You find yourself in a level of profound self-awareness now that you may not have experienced before.

You know yourself better.

~ You can see, maybe for the first time, where your trauma, pain and deep wounds have been hiding in plain sight and you are adamant about not letting them define you or confine you any longer.

~ You have a level of self-recognition and courage in the light of knowing that there is no going back, only brave steps forward, creating the life you always wanted.

~ You know that it is not just that your frequency has shifted. It is that your entire foundation of being, built on a previous version of self, has collapsed and it is time to discover the bedrock that you'll build the rest of your life on.

Now, you get to start putting pieces together that didn't resonate before.

You get to start over from experience and apply your emotional intelligence, hard-won resilience and wisdom in order to elevate your commitment to yourself.

You have a firm resolve to live life differently, courageously and with a set of boundaries and guidelines that you get to create as you go.

You recognize that NOW is the time to set yourself FREE.

Women Walking the Phoenix Path is rapid and dramatic multidimensional energetic transformation and is the culmination of years' worth of intention, wisdom, fine-tuning and intense experiential feedback from my own journeys of personal reinvention over the last twenty years of my life.

This is the most unique and powerful offering for your personal transformation and reinvention that I have ever put forth and I CANNOT WAIT to share it with you.

This is a self-led program of personal reinvention through a Core Paradigm Shift and Soul Awakening.

A profound remembrance of your ability to rise again and again into greater levels of your brilliant creative genius in an often challenging and uncertain time on this planet.

A map of how to navigate the shifting landscapes of life with greater emotional intelligence, resilient Core Stability, passion, play, curiosity, innovative creativity and with a sense of childlike wonder.

Phoenix Path members will tell you…

"I am receiving luminescent clarity around my business and ways to implement some of the ideas I have been savoring. I feel an even greater love for myself. I really am enjoying being here!" ~ Jonte B.

"I see myself in a new way now and I don't think I'll ever go back to my old thinking. I recognize that everything I desire is available to me and I'm the gatekeeper of my own life. I have learned to acknowledge my limiting beliefs and reframe them then as new truths. I will take this with me as I move forward towards the new version of myself." ~ Deanna C.

“Honestly, those eight weeks changed my thoughts on Life forever. I learned tools to help me move forward with the strength in knowing, I create what my Future holds.” ~ Gaylia W.

"I’m so proud and grateful for me, this container and especially Kathryn Mussell! I have such a greater understanding and appreciation for who I am, my true authentic soul self. With this knowledge, I celebrate my recognition that I desire more FUN in my life!" ~ Eleanor H.


Amplify your vortex of magnetic attraction. Increase your psychic and intuitive abilities.

This two-day workshop is high value and straight to the point---

You are a powerful creator being who is magneto-electric. 

In short, all electric fields have a magnetic field surrounding them. Including you.

When you tap into the magnetic resonance and magnetite crystals in your pineal gland and learn to harmonize them with the Schumann Resonance of the Earth, the magnetosphere of the planet and the magnetic fields of all LIFE, you become ULTRAMAGNETIC, an irresistible force of attraction for whatever you desire to enhance and enrich your life.

In these two days, we will:

DISCUSS: The two developmental stages of your early life that have a lot to do with how easily you access your intuitive and psychic capabilities, (This might surprise you...) and how to clean up and remove this resistant energy now.

PRACTICE: Learn how to stimulate the magnetite, iron-based crystals in the pineal gland and activate greater personal magnetism for what you want. This is fun, quick and easy to practice.

PURGE and ACTIVATE: We will remove the Orion Tags and APIN tags/implants. These are false light broadcasts that scramble signals in your cellular makeup and keep your crystalline, multidimensional DNA on psychic lockdown in 3D density. These artificial tags keep us in ignorance of the best possible versions of ourselves in our Sacred Human embodiment of light.

DISCUSS: Manifesting/Magnetizing Alternate Reality through the higher intelligent attractor field of the Pineal Gland and Third Eye. This Sacred Portal houses your innate ability to transcend time and space in order to remote view your Twin Selves and then quantum jump into parallel realities, already in progress.

PRACTICE: Remote Viewing Fundamentals and Merging/Quantum Jumping into alternate timelines and realities of one of your twin selves.


This is going to be a lean and mean two days of transformation and a tremendous opportunity to learn and practice some of your inherent multidimensional talents. (Re: These are not new to your higher self, but they may be new to you in this incarnation and dominant timeline of you.)

This is going to be FUN!


Timelines Expanded Masterclass

Time is not a consequence of life.

Time creates the consequences of your life.

When you reshape your current relationship with the 3D Matrix of Time, you change the consequences of your life.

3D Time is just a construct, a sphere of reality nestled inside the entire Energy Matrix of the Unified Field of Awareness.



As you progress through this timeline of spiritual evolution, it is now very important to grasp the concept that time is an illusion.

Many of you are having a difficult time getting that you are a multidimensional being, able to align yourself with an endless string of Now moments that allow you to have several different perspectives on many different timelines at once.

This is difficult for our 3D ego mind to accept.

When this topic comes up, many go out of their body because the concept of non-linear time seems too nebulous.

You are never really on a singular timeline.

You are on Now moments.

There are infinite Now moments occurring simultaneously but you are choosing each successive Now moment that is of a similar frequency to the last.

This is how you maintain the illusion of linear time in 3D reality and stay in the “game” of time.

Not to confound and confuse you even further, but you agreed before you came into this reality to play this game because you thought it would be yet another fun thing to experience in this “Grand Experiment” of being on Earth at this time.

To jump to a different reality, timeline or dimension would be drastically different then what you have been individually and collectively experiencing and would pull you out of the game, which would be no fun!

Many of you are growing tired of the game and want very much to re-familiarize yourselves with your multidimensional aspect of self. The only thing keeping you from having this experience is holding onto the illusion that the ego is in charge of your destiny and that it is in the driver’s seat.

Yet, when we shift to the Godself perspective of time, the Eternal Now, the ego is no longer in charge of your destiny and you finally realize that your role in the game of time changes completely and for the better!

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Here are just some of the member reviews for Timelines Expanded Masterclass...

"This work is changing how I work! I love it!!!!"

"Do it! The skills taught in this class are empowering on all levels. Kathryn is a kind, patient and teacher of all things timelines. The shifts are incredible!"

"This class and Kathryn’s teachings are phenomenal... I don’t recommend very many teachers or classes and I HIGHLY recommend this class!!! The value is easily 20x the investment and I’m sure it will be continuing to go up and up in price!!!"

"I love this class so much and am taking it in so differently than any other program. This is HUGE. If you're feeling called to the program like I was, take action, your 2020 will not be the same."

"I love this! These sessions are game changers!"

"I believe this is the missing key that has unlocked the full power of my tools! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, Kathryn!"

"...I’m overjoyed and spinning in my vortex with feelings of deep gratitude and appreciation, so much resonates....your words that have voiced so well what I’ve been feeling, knowing and trusting as I allow my unfolding to my next steps in releasing all that does not serve me! I’m excited to be here, for what’s coming and to receive the keys to unlock the past and live my purpose. Thank you Kathryn....I’m so blessed to have met you at this portal of my life!"

"It is extremely rare for me to publicly endorse a class yet I cannot withhold my excitement for what Kathryn Mussell is teaching in her Timelines Expanded Masterclass!!! There is NO ONE else teaching this and she does so with grace, efficiency, practicality and an extensive amount of knowledge. Real world tips. tricks and practice assistance to stream, shift, bend, heal, collapse, jump time and more."

"I did the Timeline Jump audio today. It was about my 5th time. A lot more of what I was listening to clicked. My whole body was buzzing and vibrating and when I merged with my future self, I felt the shift. And my heart burst open. ❤️❤️❤️"

"Yesterday I had an idea pop into my head about my workplace. So for once instead of blowing it off I ask what do I do. I heard in my mind jump to future timeline where the you who has done this is and talk to her! I did just that she gave me an outpouring of ideas and what to do. It was great!"

"I am so appreciative of what I have learned! This class has changed my entire operating system. I am birthing new programs and hold a higher consciousness perspective. I easily see where I am looping myself into the 3D time matrix and collapse these timelines with ease!"

12 Modules

Module 1 ~ Intro to Timelines, Opting Out of the 3D Matrix

Module 2 ~ Collapsing Timelines

Module 3 ~ Bending and Stepping Out of Time

Module 4 ~ False Timelines

Module 5 ~ Merging Timelines

Module 6 ~ Ancestral Timeline Healing and the DNA

Module 7 ~ Culminating Timelines: Wrapping Up Your 3D History

Module 8 ~ Quantum Jumping Time

Module 9 ~ Transitioning into Timelessness

Module 10 ~ Bonus Module: Integrating Timeline Healing into your Client Work

Module 11 ~ Healing your Inherited Money Story

Module 12: Transdimensional Time Drifting

**PLUS** Bonus and Supplemental Content

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Timeline Jump Avatar Mastery

This is going to be Fun, Fun, FUN!

Are you ready to experience your multidimensional paradigm shift?

Are you Timeline Fluent or Fluid, or would you like to be?

How would you like to leap into timelines where you are already exploring the highest expression of you in another Avatar of yourself and enjoying an evolved experience of life?

In this series of comprehensive and palpable timeline shifts, you will develop mastery in connecting with and downloading information from these higher consciousness, twin Avatars of yourself.

Through these 11 key areas, we will embark on a journey of merging with your twin selves who are already expanded into new potentials of abundance and success:

~ Optimal Health and Vitality

~ Abundant Wealth

~ Fulfilling Relationships

~ Career Path Success (Platinum Standard Avatar)

~ Emotions/ Emotional Mastery

~ Prosperity Mindset

~ Passion for the Adventure of Life (Sacred Fool Avatar)

~ Purpose in Who You ARE, not just What You DO (True North Avatar)

~ Contribution to the Greater Good of the World (Highest Contribution Avatar)

~ Higher Spiritual Connection and Elevated Consciousness (Spiritual Sage Avatar)

~ Indestructible Self-Trust

With these quantum journeys AND a final incredibly useful BONUS TOOL I'm offering in this 12 part program, you will discover that you can use all of these simple and powerful timeline jumps over and over again to practically quantum shift and evolve your experience with everyday reality in order to embody the life that is MEANT for you.

In fact, you're already living out these realities! They just haven't yet become the focus of your attention in this 3D Human Avatar of you.

Come and Play!

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